MechWarrior 2

Hold down [Crtl]+[Alt]+[Shift] and typeFor

BLORBGod mode

CIAInfinite weapons

MIGHTYMOUSEInfinite jump jets

FLYGIRLAdd jump jet

GANKEMSay goodbye to your target

ENOLAGAYCamplete ammialation

ICANTHACKITComplete the mission

COLDMISERDisable enemy heat tracking

XRAYX-ray vision

DORCSMeet the mech makers


HANGAROUNDDisable mission clock

ZMAKTime expansion

MEEPMEEPEnable time compression

UNMEEPMEEPDisable time commpression

Secret Meches
1. Go to Star configuration screen in the trials of grievence area.
2. Click on your names and change it to hobbes.
3. Return to the Mech Lab.
4. Select Elemental or Tarantula and giv'em a go.

Cheats given by Tony He