War Games

Press [T] and then typeFor

EYEOFGODAllows you to zoom in on lower level machines.

TWOBYFOURType this with a unit name and you will get the unit.

HERMESSpeeds up unit building.

DONKEYSAny unit that lunches missiles will now lunch 4X4 Jips.

MORNINGAFTERCancels "Fog of War".

GIMMIEGIMMIEAllows you to build any unit no matter what stage you are.


CHACHINGGives you 10,000$.

MRMUSCLEUpgrades every unit of yours armor.

BIGSOFTYLowers every unit of the enemy armor.

COFFEESpeeds up your units.

BEERSlows down enemy's units.

SHAFTIncress your units weapons power.

SHANKDecress enemy's units weapons power.