Broken Sword 2 | |
Now click on the metal bracket on the wall, and you Îre free. Get Nico bag on the floor(and look inside of it), then get the dart near by. Look at the bureau , upper part (George will open it revealing a bottle of tequila, drink the tequila and then get the worm on the floor, in the lower part you will see a small drawer, click on it and you will find a small pot, get the pot and examine it, you will find a key. Now go to the fire , look at the cabinet near the fire and use on it the dart , inside get the gas cylinder using the paints on the cylinder. Then use the cylinder on the soda dispenser ,and the dispenser on fire. Click on the door , go down ,look near the phone and get the newspaper ,examine it and you will find Oubies bank statement. Examine the letter of Lobinaou ,now click on the phone an call him. Click on the pot ,and you will find a key, use the key on the door, and click on it. You will see a small movie of Nicole. Now return to the cafe and ask to the gendarme if he miss his work , when he closes his eyes catch the flask from his table. Return to the gallery and use the flask on the glass of Laine 2 times. He will fall down, go to the rear and examine the packing case and take the label. go to the window and talk to the watchman, then go down the steps, catch the hook in the water and use it on the bottle. Up the steps ,click on the chimney, then use the bottle on the chimney, click again on the chimney and use the bottle again on it, the room will be full of smoke, and the watchman will go out . Down steps again and into the trapdoor , get the coal scuttle and the biscuits, then go out. Look at the platform on your right ,now click on the biscuits then try to use it on the platform but click with the right button of the mouse on it, the dog will go on the platform, now use the hook on the platform and the dog will fall in the water. Inside the docks Up steps an on the fence. Now youĖre inside , look at the sign, then try to open the door, noting will happen, go up the ladder and click on the windows, use the hook on the fan. Go down the ladder again and click on the door . (Now be quick) Ask the man if that is the Condor Transglobal , then quick click on the ladder, on the top go on the right and click on the clamp, wait until the man moves where the barrel fall down , than again on the clamp, and he will fall in water. Go down the ladder and into the door. Inside Condor Transglobal Inside click on the drawer (you will find a key) then on the notice board. Go to the right and speak to the small man especially about the key, after he leave click on the lift button. When you exit the lift click on the crate. Then on your right on the upper switch, a light on your left will be switched on, now click on the scratch marks on you left then on the door, and you will find Nicole. Get the fetish and click on Nicole then on the rope. Speak with Nicole. Outside use the rope on the statue , then use the strip on the photoelectric cell of the lift. Now move the crate back , then the upper small crate on the other one , push the crate near the pallet carrier, and at the end click on the pallet carrier . Click on the rope and then on the pulley. Then click again on the pallet carrier, and then on the statue. Ask Nicole help for moving the statue, the statue will break the door. Outside use the manacles on the cable and you Îre freeee. Watch the video. Go inside the police house and speak to General Grasento then to Reanldo and try to look the chart on the wall. Go outside and speak to Nico, go on the right and speak to Proff.Oubier and then with Duane, look into the cell window. Go to the mine office and speak with the boss Conchita. Go out and speak again with Pearl, then in the police office with Reanldo. Speak with Duane that will tell you that he need a detonator ,so go to the mine office and speak with Conchita , then outside with Nico about the chart inside the police office. Tell General Grasiento that Nico want to speak with him, after they leave speck to Renaldo about the tour to the ruins, go outside and tell Pearl that Renaldo will take here to the ruins. Now look tot he chart, and go to the mine office . Speck to Conchita and get the detonator in the cupboard. Give the detonator to Duane and go into police office then in the Prison. Speck to Miguel, after that Reanldo will arrive and you will be closed in the prison. Now itĖs the turn of Nico. Right click on the television then on the lava lamp and on the wall picture, then speck with Geanral Grasiento, at the end the Presidente (Grasiento Îs Mother) will enter. Back to George. After Duane try to blow the wall speck to miguel and ask him the rope. Use the rope on the cell window, then give the rope edge and give it to Duane. Then look at the video. Use the bank statement on the leaves, then the small statue on the water wheel. Speck with the Father Hubert. Use the vine on the press on your left ,then the collar on the press, and at last the cross on the press. Then give back the collar to Huber. The village. Speck with the guard, then give him the biscuits for the shaman. When he returns, use the box of biscuits with the black obsidian stone, and give it again to the guard. Now you will be able to speck with the shaman. You will know of the existence of other 2 back stones. Back to the tree hose . Use the metal cone on the press, then the root on the press, and at the end the cross on the press. Take the cone and click on the ladder. Watch the video. go up the steps, and speck with two old ladies. Open the ladder, go down the steps and speak with the boy on the wood bridge, on your right, then again with Bronson. Up steps , click on the door , then speak with the old ladies. Down steps speak wit Rio the boy on the wood bridge and give him the worm, again speak with Bronson, then with Rio, click on the biciclete, and get the inner tube, then again with Rio, get the fish . Up steps , go up the ladder, and use the inner tube on the flag pole. Go Down the ladder and use the fish on the inner tube. Get the red ball. Up ladder again and get the inner tube again. Use the inner tube on the tree , then the red ball on the inner tube. Wait for Bronson to go up the ladder, then close it. Get the marker, the go down the steps take the plans and the theodolite. Up steps and give the plans to the old ladies. Speak with the man , then look into the cabinet, then again to the man. He will present you Prof.Oubier , after a small chat with him you will find out that the jaguar stone has been stolen. Take the small key in the cabinet where the jaguar stone was and use it on the cabinet near the telephone, get the obsidian dagger. Speak to the man and Give him the key , then click on the curtain and use the dagger on the door.. You will meet Emily , speak with her, the look at the picture on the wall and speak with her again, then take the quill , move the chart on the desk and the lamp on the ink well, go outside and use the quill on the cat, get the small peace of the quill and do to the docks , speak with Rio, and give him the small peace of the quill. Now give the shell to Emily, and use the cross on the pen holder. Now you know where the treasure is. Go down steps to Rio and speak to him. Speak to Rio and ask him for the net , use the net on the rock. Get the coin from the coin reject slot, an use it again into the machine. Get the chocolate and the coin from the same machine. Use the coin on the weighting machine , and get the small card. Use the dagger on the cupboard on your right and then the small card on the crack. Then push the red button. (now , there is going to be a small labyrinth ) Go to the up right exit ,in the next screen you will find a small lair, use the reed on the lair, then the dart on the reed. Go to the left exit, and in the next screen on the left. Now you should be back where you started, go to the right exit. You will find a boar , use the reed with the dart on the boar. Go left , get the creeper from the rock needle , then use the net, and the marker on the creeper, then use all this on the rock. Go to the up exit, then next screen right, next screen up, next left, next up, and now look good on the right part of the screen the road will go in 3 different ways up right or down , go right or if you like more choose the middle way, then on the next screen left, and you will arrive on the top of the isle , use the theodolite on the 3 small point. Look into the thodolite , move it until you find the marker, click on the big rock in line with the marker. Now go on the right exit. Tip : here is a really good short cut for going faster on the top of the hill When you "dart" the boar, grab the overhanging branch. The boar will chase you and will change direction up the middle of the screen, revealing another exit. Do the same thing with the marker on the needle and then go up the new exit. You will now be at the theodolite area. Then after the guard cross again and stops for talking with the other one , down the ladder and open the door ,up the ladder again , when the guard enters the door down again and close the door then use the broom on the door. Look into the window,(small talk) then go into the right door, click on Prof. Oubier, and then on the jaguar stone, now be quick, when the man try to kill Nico with the rope use the dagger on him. Talk to all the film actors ,and the director. Go to the table and take the syrup the pancake, and the bun. Click on the bush. Then when Bert the stunt man is near the bush ,use the syrup with the pancake, and give it to him. Use the bun on the bush, then take an other one and use it again on the bush, and watch. On the beach speak with the director, then with Burt, then with the camera man. Look at the small camera near the camera man, speak with him, and again with the director. Now George will do the stunt. But when she arrives there nobody is there. Speak with the small man. Next to the second barrel take the sunglasses of George. Then click on the stone near the barrel, itĖs hot. Click on the barrel , then ask the Titipoco to help you ,after the barrel is down, take the stone, and talk to Titipoco. Use the rope on the engine. Then use the dagger on the fuel line, take the cylinder from the generator, and use it on the fuel line , then on the fuel cup. Click on the red button of the engine and press the lever. Speak to Titipoco about the lever and the elevator. Go up take the ammunition, then down again. Speak to the guards, then take the torch and go to Titipoco, he will light it. When the fuel will light , use the ammunition on it. On the top again. Click on Colonel Grasiento, then use the dagger on George. Inside the pyramid try the two lever , then ask George for help. Ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. the machine. At the beginning it was really hard to understand how to use it. Well look really good on the titles on the right . the clue is in the second row of the titles, the one under the statue, if you look good you will see that are composed of two of the left title (complex means two title of the left raw mixed). at the start the machine is set exactly like one of the left title, so click on that one(on that title) then compose the second figure, like you see in the complex title figure under the statue. When you have done the second one on the machine , click on second title needed for creating the complex title on the left wall and then on the complex one under the statue. Go on like this for all the complex figure shown under the statue and a door will open. This solution is probably more clear: If you examine the tiles they are composed of the shapes on the wheels. Turn the wheel so that two shapes are opposite and push the relevant tile. Two tiles combined match an image on the square of four tiles. Push these tiles when the images correspond. Keep going till all four tiles are pressed in. Then pull the lever on the wall. Woooooooooooo!! AN other room, now use the torch on the other one on the right of the room. Now pull the lever in the centre of the room. Then go left , in the other room pull the right lever, the left , go out , and enter the room (the first one) on the other side. A new door is now open, go down, pull the wall lever. Go down to certain death!! And itĖs done!! Watch the Ending Video. |