Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 |
Press [T] to enable cheat mode |
Type and press [Enter] | For |
THEREISNOTRY | Skips you to the next level. |
WHITEFLAG | Followed by a space and 1 or 0, enables/disables artifical ntelligence. |
DEEZNUTS | Increaces the level of your "force". |
ERIAMJH | Turns on fly mode. |
JEDIWANNABE | Followed by a space and 1 or 0, turns on/off invulunability. |
RED5 | All weapons. |
WAMPRAT | All items. |
YODAJAMMIES | Gives you more "mana" or "force energy". |
RACCOONKING | Uber Jedi, gives you all "force" abilitys of light side, dark side, and neutral side. |
IMAYODA | Just gives you all force abilitys of the light side. |
SITHLORD | Just gives you all force abilitys of the dark side. |
5858LVR | Map will show everything on level. |
SLOWMO | Followed by a space and a 1 or 0, enable/disable slow motion. |
WARPx | Warp to x level. |