Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2

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THEREISNOTRYSkips you to the next level.

WHITEFLAGFollowed by a space and 1 or 0, enables/disables artifical ntelligence.

DEEZNUTSIncreaces the level of your "force".

ERIAMJHTurns on fly mode.

JEDIWANNABEFollowed by a space and 1 or 0, turns on/off invulunability.

RED5All weapons.

WAMPRATAll items.

YODAJAMMIESGives you more "mana" or "force energy".

RACCOONKINGUber Jedi, gives you all "force" abilitys of light side, dark side, and neutral side.

IMAYODAJust gives you all force abilitys of the light side.

SITHLORDJust gives you all force abilitys of the dark side.

5858LVRMap will show everything on level.

SLOWMOFollowed by a space and a 1 or 0, enable/disable slow motion.

WARPxWarp to x level.